Good Day everyone! Uncle Tom here with a quick follow up about the trip to the War Memorial. It seems that in order to entertain the local children and perhaps even in a effort to education them about Shighella the Memorial has an exhibit dedicated to health issues. The image above is (and your Uncle Tom would never lie to you) a picture of a slide!!! Yes folks that's a slide that is part of a health exhibit/fun house for the kiddies over here. What better way to teach our future than to have them slide out a gigantic butt! What's even better is that surrounding the enormous backside is this:

You guessed it my faithful readers, the target is nothing put a huge pile of... well you fill in the blank. Also, if you look closely enough you can see random piles of the mess that can be thrown and tossed and laughed at!?!?! I'm all for education in the form of fun, and I love learning about new cultures. It's just that if my kid were to go down that slide and them someone calls him a turd. Well what am I as a father supposed to do then? How am I to explain to Uncle Tom Junior that no, you're not a turd, you just happened to slide out a backside. Anyway, I am dedicating todays post to my friend RC666, as this post is pretty much up his alley and dude I wish that you were there with me to see this. I would have paid the extra Won (that's Korean money) to have sent you down that slide. Take care folks, I will be stateside shortly and will be able to see The Keoki and his family, all of whom I miss dearly. Best of all, Sugarduck and I will be reunited as well. I can't wait to see you sweetie! I will try my best to post again before I head out but if I don't, take care and...........
Uncle Tom OUT!
how does that educate children about Shigella? Are those little colored symbols labels of bacteria? also that painting of the ... looks like soft serve ice cream.
Dud I so would have slid out of that ass! You should have got a picture of you coming out of it. You should have smeared mud on yourself and came out. That would have been awesome!! Be sure to look up Chris when your down there too, he needs friends call me and I'll give you his number if you don't still have it!
Sugarduck- Oh it educates alright!! That's the nastiest soft serve ever. Man I've got a craving for some Massey's Frozen Custard. I miss home...... :(
RC- I took the picture from another section of the museum. You had to pay to get down there. I will look up Chris, let him know that I get in this weekend and that I hope that he is doing okay. I'll give you a call when I get into TX. It's good to hear from you too bro!!
Classic education there...
No wonder asian people are so smart!
They get to slide out of ginormous asses and land in big soft serve turds....
That's dedication to education!
You know what you do with the kids - you just tell them that's where babies come from. And that's why you call them your little shits. Right??
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