Monday, August 07, 2006

A New Addition (and no Bobby Brown)

Good Morning again my happy readers. Today I bring you something new. I don't want to pretend that I am even remotely close to having the musical knowledge that my good friend Canowine has, but starting today I am going to try to have a daily post of a music video that I like or, depending on my mood hate. We all know (well those of us with decent taste know) that Michael Keaton was the best Bruce Wayne/Batman (Keoki is shedding tears right now). But in honor of his amazing skills as the "Batman" I, your Uncle Tom present to you...... Siouxsie and the Banshees' REALLY SEXY AND HOT song from the soundtrack to Batman Returns which on a side note is THE BEST BATMAN MOVIE EVER "Face to Face" And there is no Mud Boggin in site.

1 comment:

Uncle Tom said...

Whatever man, Bale was great in Empire of the Sun I'll give you that, he was even good in that whole American Psycho thing that he did. But Batman, it's all Keaton baby!!!