Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Uncle Tom is back with a short post/tribute to Sugarduck

Greetings all!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, not much has been happening travel wise for you Uncle Tom. I do have a new video for everyone though. But first let me tell you a story. I hope you are all sitting down with your milk and cookies and are ready to be blown away!

Before your Uncle Tom was able to wed the beautiful Sugarduck a mating ritual occured. Well it was a lunch date but come on, I'm trying to set a scene here. Imagine this, a young handsome Uncle Tom eating a lunch of a sandwich, fruit, and some yogurt. He purchased an elegant meal/cheeseburger and french fries for his date. The topics ranged from what they both did for work and also about 80's pop culture! Can this be true, was this beauty that worked in the same building interested in those great films of the 80's that your Uncle Tom grew up with?!?!?! Yes, my happy readers, it was true, she spoke of her love for the Muppets, MacGyver, Legend(okay that one's a lie), and most importantly "RAD". For those of you who remember, "Rad" was a film far ahead of its time. Sure there were skateboard movies out there. Who could forget Gleaming the Cube, or Trashin. But a movie about BMX! With Lori Loughlin that hot chick from Full House!!! It was at this moment, the planets aligned for Uncle Tom and even Handels "Messiah" could be heard. So my happy readers, I give you one of the GREATEST VIDEOS OF ALL TIME!!! Sugarduck, I can't wait to dance on a Huffy with you....


RC666 said...

How's the Kung Fu and guitar lessons going? Are you able to beat the ninja's while playing some sweet chords? When you coming back? November? Too bad there are quite a few kickass concerts in October, including Art Brut, Melvins again, The NAtional, Tapes N Tapes, and Arcitecture in Helsinki is the end of Sept. Let me know dates to be on the look out for! Take Care bro.

SugarDuck said...

At first I was disappointed that there wasn't a clip of the unforgettable bicycle dancing scene from RAD, but this video leaves me feeling the same way: drop-jawed incredulity and hysterical laughter.

SugarDuck said...

speaking of Legend, which came first, this video or that movie?

John said...

Where's my tissue? I have to wipe the tear off my cheek. That was beautiful.

RC666 said...

What the Hell you been up to? Email me or blog or something. How are things there? What else do you need? Give me a list of movies or something. When are you gonna be back?

Anonymous said...

Come on man - you don't have to stick to travels....let us know if your AC is better at least!! Hope you are having some fun.